Sunday, March 25, 2012

go green video

In our family we do try to go green just today my parents brought home the groceries in those reusable bags. This was the first time we did that but we try. My dad car pools and I car pool to work on the weekends. I thought this was just an average video that tells the same information but they did a cool job at it. Mr.B never showed us how to video tape real people but we have made videos like that in the past and I am sure we could make a video as good as that one or better.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Conserving energy

My family tries to conserve energy but at the same time we kinda suck at it when we built our house in 2007 we were trying to think natural light on the west side we have 2 sliding glass doors and 12 windows, it is always bright in the house and we never need lights. We are set up with our energy provider to turn off a/c in the summer and heat in the winter at night when were asleep. At the same time we really suck at it my dad loves his v10 Dodge Ram and even though he drives farther he drives that every day, at the same time he car pools and sits that car when he goes out of town which is almost ever other week. We are always leaving our projector on. I don't take the bus in the morning because I can just get a ride with my mom and sleep in. We love our heated floors to be on so they stay on a lot more than they need to. Between everyone there are 5 computers for 4 people. My dad always halls asleep with the TV on. So do we try to conserve energy yes are we great at it no way. So I think the in packet from my family is normal not great not horrible but normal.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

5 spots in the world

Matt Nelson thought he needed to see the world so he decided he was going to take a trip around Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The he would take his helicopter and get a bird’s eye view of every spot he wanted to visit. From this he got the idea that he would go and see the 2008 Olympic stadium in Beijing China called the birds nest. From here Matt tock a trip to see the great pyramids of Giza in Egypt. he decided that China an Egypt were great but he needed to take a trip to Africa so why not go see South Africa and learn some soccer from the last host country  of the world cup.  His helicopter was running low of gas so he had to make a trip back up to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Wear gas is only around $0.50 a gallon. Since the gas was so cheap he decide fill up the tanks and fly over and land on the helicopter pad of the world’s tallest building in Burj, Dubai as he looked out over the world. He heard some strange things an alarm clock song began to play all around him and he heard a women’s voice say”get up take a shower is Monday time for school”. Matt woke up and new the story he would tell in Social Studies class.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Student lead conference

I am not sure wear I am at with this student lead conference. To tell the truth I think this is really kinda stupid for me my parents really check my grades every day. I talk to my parents all the time about what I want to do with my life. What I really need to do is just sit for a few hours and pond this thing out.