Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Personal Blog

This was a good week. Nothing bad happened. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to talk about the academy or my personal life so I guess I will talk about both. This week was my birthday so that's always a pick me up  to have all those happy birthday posts on your Facebook wall. In the academy I'm really looking forward to this next assignment. I think its going to be fun.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I would rather read from Kindle for many reason. The first is that there are over 10,000 books you can download. Another is that it only weights a few pounds so thousands of books weight less then an average hard cover. the only disadvantage is that u have a battery life so u might not be able to plug in on a plane or on the beach. The other disadvantage is that it is a tinny screen so if u have bad eye site u might have a hard time reading.

Carer readiness

Carer readiness to me mean that u have to be ready for your carer as simple as that is. In the academy we have used a ton of collaboration and group work we have also used a ton of technological work. I think the things were doing group work and using technology this is what my dad come home and seas he dose every day. The carer i'm going to work for is  bankruptcy lawyer because there is always work there doing the best when the economic time is down so that's job insurance and they make a ton of money.   

science 1.2

Accuracy is being close or on target most of the time precision is 100% on every time. A triple beam balance will be accurate but not very precise. It will get you close but not to the hundredth of a gram were the electronic balance is very accurate and precise were it can get you in the hundredth of a gram and will be right. A significant digit can be a number such as 384,238. It can be a number split at the decimal such as 43.2309. The only time the hole number is not significant is in this case 0.00004 the underlined 0's are not significant. From our data 2 Liters of water is 2,000,000 mm of water. Thing That I learend was to always remember to zero the scale when weighting water weight.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The thing I learned most from the ropes course

The thing I learned most from the ropes course actually came from the run through the swinging rope game. I was the person who messed it up the first time time mostly because I rushed it, didn't think and just ran. The the next time I thought about it while I waited in line and told my self the second it hit the ground I would start sprinting through. This worked very well. So this is what I did every time for the rest of the game and it worked extremely well. This taught me that you have to slow down and think about things before you just rush in and do them.

What i learned from building the new ILA room

The thing I learned most from building the room was that you have to think out side the box and not be afraid to move things around. All but one of the groups had left the the cubicles in the same place. Only one of the groups had the idea to move them. We liked the cubicles once they were inserted into the corner of the room. Because they were moved the presentation area could be moved which everyone also liked. So what I learned from this is that the best ideas seem to come out when you move things around and think outside the box.