Monday, May 28, 2012

The PSA Gradeing

I thought Halie's, Emma's, and Lauren's blog was very Impact full. Emma's and Halie's blog both had amazing facts about the internment and if there subject dose not stop the things that are going to happen to us if it is animals of indagered species going extinct. Or if the amount of Co2 gets to high and there are not enough trees to take in the Co2 and our air quality goes bad. Ether way both the subjects had great information and really wanted me to do something about them. Lauren's was good in a different way you could tell she put a few hours into it and it was more than just a few pictures and written facts you saw how people whale with there own eyes and it made you want to do something about it. Even thought I did not agree with one of the facts I still thought it was really good. It was hard to judge what ones were the worst because I believe we didn't see them all. The ones a I think needed a little more work thought were Alex's, Ben's and Jeff's out of the three of those Jeff's was the best if he did a little editing it may be up with one of the top three. Ben and Alex it just look a little slapped together like they didn't spend a lot of time on it and just wanted to get it done and play or do something different. Maybe they did not like the project. I did like the Earth Interactions Assignment and hope we do more like this in the future. Not freshmen year but though high school and collage.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

What I Learned

This project has been different. Never in a school life has a teacher given so much freedom to complete a task. The class was told take something you really like and go nuts do 14 days of research some studying on your own and go for it. This made it challenging  at times but easy because we had guidance form the teachers every day of the week. The other part that has made this a lot easy on us was all the work time they gave us. For me 85% of this project was done in class the only large part not done is class was the data collection. When I started my data collections I was a little discouraged with the data. Only 3% of the cars were hybrids. That doesn't sound like a lot, but the national percentage of cars that are hybrids are only between 4% and 5% of the cars produced. So in the end my data made scene. As for my family we didn't go out and buy a hybrid car. We didn't think about getting a hybrid and we probably wont. These hybrid cars are very important to slowing the depletion of fossils fuels. If this task wants to be completed we need to get more of these hybrids on the streets.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Life In The Middle East.

Life is very different in the Middle East. Due to the high tension area there is a lot of segregation among people, the most notable is the Jewish religion vs the Palestinians. Each thinks that this area is there holy land and that all the land there belongs to them. Well the problem with this is people are being kicked out of there land even if they have the dead to the lot or property. They need to set up military check points in many spots between the to counties and you need special permitting and documents just to travel say 20 miles. This makes finding work seeing family every thing a large problem. Many people will "look suspicious" and not make it through the check point this is a regular thing and they will just be kicked out of the car and told to walk home. This in my mind is a big reason why some people are upset they feel like they cant even get to the other part of the country. As if every time we rode the bus we would need our passport and say a school document that would let us go to arrowhead and getting to school and home would be a 3 hour event. The other thing is the judicial system in these countries are so bad they can lock people up for life almost without ever charging or committing a crime. People can be labeled as "high risk and taken away to almost never see there families. This makes everyone feel uneasy to the point that the men will carry a M16 to say a volleyball game among 12 year kids. Or a track and field events among 12 year old kids also.

There is segregation among the same people the pair of twins couldn't stand there fellow Jewish fallows they say that they are scary and they don't want to be seen as one of them. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't want to be seen as one of the crazy Jesus people that go around trying to get everyone to believe in Jesus and praying that he will send the miracle of a parking spot towards the door at the mall. The other problem is everyone is forced to join the military except the supper Jewish followers. These are all reasons for high tension among the same group of people.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


rosters don't lay eggs
the cabin was the cabin of a plane crash
take the chicken across come back with a empty boat take the grain across come back with the chicken leave the chicken take the fox across leave the fox come back for the chicken
they were both hurricanes

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The earth

I think that the native Americana just enjoy what they have they love just walking in the grass and observing and enjoying the nature. They understand what the earth gives to them and because of that they treat it much better. They don't look at the science part of if they destroy the world like global warming so they go green like the average human. They seem to get that special connection with world and nature so they treat it much better. I think everyone could be a better at going green they don't need to get that special earth connection but the Native Americans are just good at treating the earth like a family member.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

whats needed

I have ordered my book. I have finished my proposal. I need a little more time like a few minutes to finish my calendar but that wont take long. I am going to start my data collection today (Monday). My question is what are we doing with this. Paper, power point, Prezi, what. I also know that we have to right a letter but I am not sure how we are going to do that or who were sending it to. Will we go over that soon?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

go green video

In our family we do try to go green just today my parents brought home the groceries in those reusable bags. This was the first time we did that but we try. My dad car pools and I car pool to work on the weekends. I thought this was just an average video that tells the same information but they did a cool job at it. Mr.B never showed us how to video tape real people but we have made videos like that in the past and I am sure we could make a video as good as that one or better.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Conserving energy

My family tries to conserve energy but at the same time we kinda suck at it when we built our house in 2007 we were trying to think natural light on the west side we have 2 sliding glass doors and 12 windows, it is always bright in the house and we never need lights. We are set up with our energy provider to turn off a/c in the summer and heat in the winter at night when were asleep. At the same time we really suck at it my dad loves his v10 Dodge Ram and even though he drives farther he drives that every day, at the same time he car pools and sits that car when he goes out of town which is almost ever other week. We are always leaving our projector on. I don't take the bus in the morning because I can just get a ride with my mom and sleep in. We love our heated floors to be on so they stay on a lot more than they need to. Between everyone there are 5 computers for 4 people. My dad always halls asleep with the TV on. So do we try to conserve energy yes are we great at it no way. So I think the in packet from my family is normal not great not horrible but normal.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

5 spots in the world

Matt Nelson thought he needed to see the world so he decided he was going to take a trip around Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The he would take his helicopter and get a bird’s eye view of every spot he wanted to visit. From this he got the idea that he would go and see the 2008 Olympic stadium in Beijing China called the birds nest. From here Matt tock a trip to see the great pyramids of Giza in Egypt. he decided that China an Egypt were great but he needed to take a trip to Africa so why not go see South Africa and learn some soccer from the last host country  of the world cup.  His helicopter was running low of gas so he had to make a trip back up to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Wear gas is only around $0.50 a gallon. Since the gas was so cheap he decide fill up the tanks and fly over and land on the helicopter pad of the world’s tallest building in Burj, Dubai as he looked out over the world. He heard some strange things an alarm clock song began to play all around him and he heard a women’s voice say”get up take a shower is Monday time for school”. Matt woke up and new the story he would tell in Social Studies class.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Student lead conference

I am not sure wear I am at with this student lead conference. To tell the truth I think this is really kinda stupid for me my parents really check my grades every day. I talk to my parents all the time about what I want to do with my life. What I really need to do is just sit for a few hours and pond this thing out.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Hi my name is Carl Probert

Hi my name is Carl Probert I was an Olympic swimmer in 2008. I competed for the country of Fiji Being a swimmer this made a lot of scene Fiji is a crazy small island to the east of Australia. Fiji is about 50-100 mile box like island. It is a very clean island we are known for its clean amazing water and as a great vacation spot Growing up in Fiji I spent a lot of time by the ocean and swimming. Fiji runs out of stuff to do but it is a great place to live and I wouldn't anywhere else.

Monday, February 20, 2012


To me the Olympics mean unity. Twice every four years almost every place in the hole world is represented. They have been in areas of high levels of stress and broke stereo types a great example is the 1936 summer games in Berlin, Germany. The war was just about to start and the nazi party was trying to prove that they were the best. Best country, that they were the most athletic, That they were the best race. Thankfully the United states had Jesse Owens. Jesse was an African Americana athlete that dominated the Track and field events. This also helped the equal rights movement in the united states. This shows that anything can happen. If I could be in the Olympics I would be competing in Snowboard supper pipe because my other favorite sports BMX park, Snowboard slope style, and Wake board fee style and Park are not excepted by the Olympics. I hope that one the Olympics will see these as real sports.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

the china movie

After watching the movie about the Chines boy who was amazing violinist and wondering if he made the right choice I thought he did. If I was in his shoes I would have stayed he has a gift as a amazing violin player and even thought its not exactly what he like he can always work with dissing on the side. Also his like dad put in so much effort to make sure he reached the top. Finally I think he must have liked it to even learn the instrument and get that good.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Physics in English and Social Studies

Physics can be seen in English, for example, in the book Romeo and Juliet, when the two men got into a fight. As the fight went on one of the men drew there weapon and swiped it at the other man but he missed. Physics says that objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted upon by another force. Well this guy must have hit a wall or something because thankfully he did not kill the other character. This idea goes along with Social Studies. When people were stilling back in the 1700 and 1800 people started to move and adventure around the USA. They would tend to keep moving until they hit water from California to Washington. This shows that you can see Physics in every day life.  

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What I Think About The Academy and Why it Should Continue

This academy has been a great experience and I believe it should continue. The academy is so different than a regular class, some people love change and some people do not. This is why some people have been so upset to find that the Arrowhead administration has been against this change and don't want the sophomores of next year "us" to be able to take this class.

 I can't seem think about how it will be in a regular class next year. I think the academy brings out the things in us that are going to set us apart from the people in regular classes. I think the academy teaches us things that will make us the engineers instead of the builders, the ones who design the cars instead of assembling them in a factory, the ones that are Governors, assembly members, and  judges instead of the ones who are working for the state or nation at the post office, DMV, or are filing papers for the city. For some that's fine, they will be happy doing the same king of job, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year until they retire. That's nothing to be ashamed of but I couldn't do that. I want to be the one that does something different. Something that can change lives and finally someone that is not just over looked.

The academy teaches us how to do that. It teaches us how to actually solve the problem instead of asking someone else how, or to do it for them. It teaches us to find what we are interested in and work at it. For example in our energy drink testing project we got to pick the lab and how we wanted to do it instead of Mr. Mechenich handing us the same lab as every other Science 9 class. Because of this I put a lot of work in to that lab along with the One to One project. It almost seemed like I had put my heart into those two projects compared to just finishing them like the things I was assigned in 7th grade, 8th grade, and towards the end of this last semester.

But this semester I feel that the academy is changing. It is going to be like it was at the beginning of this year. If the academy can stay like this I believe that we will learn and want to learn so much more than in any other regular class. Maybe if the administration sees this, maybe if some how blogs and letters reach the administration in time and if the teachers could also help out our case then the academy will be allowed to continue. The administration will see we need this class next year. But if that dose not work maybe they will see that the kids that were in the academy seem bored, unmotivated by regular classes their sophomore year they will bring it back for our Junior year.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


This week in the academy was all about finals studding for finals and working on our semester presentation.  The only time we weren't working on the finals was when we were in art, or when we did a lab in science witch was really cool we got to do some experiments with fire witch everyone always loves. This was a good week and I really hope that we get a day or to more to work on the presentation.   

Sunday, January 8, 2012


This week in the academy we started really working hard on our semester exam and next week I can start to get to work on it. We also have been reviewing things like grammar rules, reviewing the periodic table, and things for geography. Besides that because of the four day break it was a really laid back chill kinda week.